
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary holds Church Services twice a month and celebrates all the major festivals such as Christmas, Easter and Harvest Thanksgiving.

There is a small, welcoming congregation that sees the Church as being an integral part of village life.

Refreshments are on offer after all services. Do come and join us, you will be guaranteed a warm welcome 

Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals - as arranged

Who's who

Rector: Revd Jacqueline Dove
Address: The Rectory, Chapel Lane, Thornborough MK18 2DJ
Contact Tel: 01280 81782
Email: revjdove@gmail.com

Church Warden: Jim Franklin
Contact Tel: 01908 043093

Safeguarding Officer: Pam King
Contact Tel: 01908 501860
Email: pamking199@gmail.com

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